服务器端处理可能在您的服务器上比较麻烦,因为它对于每个绘制请求都要对服务器进行Ajax调用。在访问量比较大的网站上,可能会造成 DDoS 攻击
姓名 | 职位 | 工作地点 | 年龄 | 入职时间 | 年薪 |
姓名 | 职位 | 工作地点 | 年龄 | 入职时间 | 年薪 |
$.fn.dataTable.pipeline = function (opts) {
// Configuration options
var conf = $.extend({
pages: 5, // number of pages to cache
url: '/employee/query', // script url
data: null, // function or object with parameters to send to the server
// matching how `ajax.data` works in DataTables
method: 'GET' // Ajax HTTP method
}, opts);
// Private variables for storing the cache
var cacheLower = -1;
var cacheUpper = null;
var cacheLastRequest = null;
var cacheLastJson = null;
return function (request, drawCallback, settings) {
var ajax = false,json;
var requestStart = request.start;
var drawStart = request.start;
var requestLength = request.length;
var requestEnd = requestStart + requestLength;
if (settings.clearCache) {
// API requested that the cache be cleared
ajax = true;
settings.clearCache = false;
else if (cacheLower < 0 || requestStart < cacheLower || requestEnd > cacheUpper) {
// outside cached data - need to make a request
ajax = true;
else if (JSON.stringify(request.order) !== JSON.stringify(cacheLastRequest.order) ||
JSON.stringify(request.columns) !== JSON.stringify(cacheLastRequest.columns) ||
JSON.stringify(request.search) !== JSON.stringify(cacheLastRequest.search)
) {
// properties changed (ordering, columns, searching)
ajax = true;
// Store the request for checking next time around
cacheLastRequest = $.extend(true, {}, request);
if (ajax) {
// Need data from the server
if (requestStart < cacheLower) {
requestStart = requestStart - (requestLength * (conf.pages - 1));
requestStart = requestStart < 0 ? 0 : requestStart;
cacheLower = requestStart;
cacheUpper = requestStart + (requestLength * conf.pages);
request.start = requestStart;
request.length = requestLength * conf.pages;
// Provide the same `data` options as DataTables.
if ($.isFunction(conf.data)) {
// As a function it is executed with the data object as an arg
// for manipulation. If an object is returned, it is used as the
// data object to submit
var d = conf.data(request);
request = d === true ? $.extend(request, d) : request;
else if ($.isPlainObject(conf.data)) {
// As an object, the data given extends the default
$.extend(request, conf.data);
settings.jqXHR = $.ajax({
"type": conf.method,
"url": conf.url,
"data": request,
"dataType": "json",
"cache": false,
"success": function (json) {
cacheLastJson = $.extend(true, {}, json);
if (cacheLower !== drawStart) {
json.data.splice(0, drawStart - cacheLower);
if (requestLength >= -1) {
json.data.splice(requestLength, json.data.length);
else {
json = $.extend(true, {}, cacheLastJson);
json.draw = request.draw; // Update the echo for each response
json.data.splice(0, requestStart - cacheLower);
json.data.splice(requestLength, json.data.length);
// Register an API method that will empty the pipelined data, forcing an Ajax
// fetch on the next draw (i.e. `table.clearPipeline().draw()`)
$.fn.dataTable.Api.register('clearPipeline()', function () {
return this.iterator('table', function (settings) {
settings.clearCache = true;
// DataTables initialisation
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#dataTableExample').DataTable($.concatCpt('dataTable', {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": $.fn.dataTable.pipeline({
url: '/employee/query',
pages: 5 // number of pages to cache
"columns": [
{"data": "name"},
{"data": "title"},
{"data": "base"},
{"data": "age"},
{"data": "hireDate"},
{"data": "salary"}
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover dataTable table-striped w-full">
"recordsFiltered": 57,
"data": [
"name": "李霞",
"title": "系统架构师",
"base": "北京",
"age": 61,
"hireDate": "2011/04/25",
"salary": 320800,
"DT_RowId": 1
"name": "杜重治",
"title": "会计",
"base": "上海",
"age": 63,
"hireDate": "2011/07/25",
"salary": 170750,
"DT_RowId": 2
"name": "陈锋",
"title": "初级开发者",
"base": "深圳",
"age": 66,
"hireDate": "2009/01/12",
"salary": 86000,
"DT_RowId": 3